Track vacations, manage absenteeism, late arrivals, departures and overtime, easily monitor working hours and manage teleworking more effectively.

logiciel de gestion des congés des employés

A simple leave management solution designed to meet the needs of all companies

  • A solution for leaves of absence suitable for all company sizes: large corporations, SMEs, micro-businesses or even associations.
  • Working time management software for all professions: shopkeepers, freelancers, pharmacies, cafés, restaurants, hotels, private schools, universities, kindergartens, workshops, universities, laboratories, design offices, etc.
  • Industrial, agricultural, service, commercial or other sectors.
  • Collaborative or non-collaborative management of employee activity.
  • Presence monitoring tools 100% online for everyone: managers, HR departments and employees.
  • Connectors to feed payroll software automatically with all data on vacations, absences, late arrivals, etc.

Benefits Weentime

gain d'argent


The delay management, outings, absences and overtime are very reliable with Weentime and will be very easy to account for: on the leave balance or salary, or in the form of recuperation.. This represents significant savings for the company.

Productivité Améliorée

Enhanced productivity

By controlling absenteeism, lateness, leaving the office and overtime, your employees are better able to concentrate on their work. Weentime automatically detects absences and lateness, and gives you the option of whether or not to record them at the click of a button.


The automatic notifications from Weentime provide instant notification of vacations, absences, late arrivals, etc.



You can manage and share all requests and information by collaborative mode (validation workflow). What's more, you can customize each team's work schedule and any individual rest days.



Whether you're in the office or at home, day or night and even at weekends, you and your employees have access to instant access to information in mobile or PC mode.


Personal data is secure and protected. A personal data protection policy ensures that each user only has access to what is relevant to him or her.


Turnkey Solution

Our references
